Lexis Rex

Kata Bahasa Inggris Hari Ini




Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Indonesia
     1. rambut
Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. A pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals.
     2. n. The collection or mass of such growths growing from the skin of humans and animals, and forming a covering for a part of the head or for any part or the whole body.
           In the western world, women usually have long hair while men usually have short hair.
     3. n. (zoology) A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Such hairs are totally unlike those of vertebrates in structure, composition, and mo
     4. n. (botany) A cellular outgrowth of the epidermis, consisting of one or of several cells, whether pointed, hooked, knobbed, or stellated.
           Internal hairs occur in the flower stalk of the yellow frog lily (Nuphar).
     5. n. (obsolete) Haircloth; a hair shirt.
     6. n. Any very small distance, or degree; a hairbreadth.
           Just a little louder please—turn that knob a hair to the right.
Bahasa Indonesia > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. hair
     2. n. colloquial: thread, filament, mane, body hair


Contoh Kalimat-kalimat

He has dark hair and dark eyes.
    Dia berambut hitam dan bermata hitam.
Where did you get your hair cut?
    Di mana kamu mencukur rambut?
Does he have long hair?
    Apa dia berambut panjang?
Let your hair down a little.
    Santai saja, tidak usah khawatir.
I really like the way your hair looks.
    Aku sangat suka gaya rambutmu.

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